This week, we taught two really amazing lessons in specific that were just so powerful and amazing. The first was with a less active member who is going through a really hard time. Her husband and her are both less actives and don't come to church. She is sort of the support for the family in the midst of hard situations. We have been trying to help her to go to church the whole time Hermana M and I have been together and it just never works out. In the lesson, she told us some of her doubts and we promised her very strongly that if she would pay her tithing and go to church, those doubts would be resolved. In that moment, the spirit was so strong and she accepted.
The next lesson was with one of our investigators who is progressing so well and always comes with so many questions and doubts. The second time we taught her, she told us that she already feels like these things are true and that she would like to continue learning more. Our last lesson with her we gave her a baptism date and tried to answer all of the questions that she had. She is so amazing and so sincere. She just comes ready with questions and with the hope that we will have the answers. Her desire is so strong and the will is there. She wants to understand the Gospel all at once and is so ready to obey the commandments and follow a Christ centered life. I love her to death. We brought her to stake conference this sunday and introduced her to some of the members and she already knew so many of them. It was such a blessing to me that she could see the love that the church offers and listen to an apostle of God.
I feel so blessed to know the people that I know and have the experiences that I have. I love this Gospel and the people in it. My hope is that the happiness it brings can make it to each and every one of you! I love you all so much!
Funny Stuff??
1.Batman: So last night we were walking home at 8:30pm and it was raining so everyone had ponchos and rain coats and we were about to cross the street but there were a bunch of cars. We look up and a motorcycle zooms by with a man driving it. This man was wearing all black, a black poncho that flowed in the wind right behind him and a dark black hat. He looked like batman. You had to be there, latin batman in J.. guys.
2.Tengo Poder "I have power": So we were teaching a less active this week and she is HILARIOUS!!! She always lets us in, gives us chocolate and at the end, drives us home in her car. SHE HAS A CAR. No one has cars here. So we get in her car and tell her that we have another appointment to go to thats super uphill. This hill is so steep that when I walk up it, I slip down. I can't. (one time a car tried to drive up it and half way up the car gives out and slides back down) It's a pretty good hill. So anyways, we get to the bottom of the hill and tell her that she can just drop us off at the bottom because it's impossible. She turns the corner and slams on the gas peddle and says, "TENGO PODER" (I have power) and we start luggin up the hill. I could not stop laughing!!! We made it! Haha, she's pretty cool.

3.Sardines: First off, hate fish. and I ate a can of sardines... I don't think I've ever even opened a can of sardines.
3.Sardines: First off, hate fish. and I ate a can of sardines... I don't think I've ever even opened a can of sardines.
Dont ask me why I did it.
For a picture? I don't know.
Hahaha, well, there's my week. I love you all so much and hope you all have a good week! Happy Halloween!!! Send me pictures! I love you all so much!
Hermana Emily Wattles