Second thing, we had an appointment with a reference from a member (his cousin). We went to her house and talked for a little while and found out that she is passing through a VERY difficult time and that a while back she had assisted the church and didn't think much of it but when we passed by her house for the first time, she said that all of her worries seemed to pass away for a while. It was amazing. She said she felt a peace and happiness when we were around and she only desired that we could return. She really believed that we could help her to change her life. It was amazing, so we passed by again at the end of the week and talked about faith and repentance and the importance of the Gospel. She told us she felt so amazing and we told her that it was the Holy Ghost and that it was possible to always have that feeling with her. For Ever. She looked so happy and surprised that it was possible and we explained that we receive the gift of the Holy Ghost after baptism and it is a blessing of a constant companion and then we invited her to be baptized for the 29th of August. She happily accepted and came to church yesterday eager to find that feeling again.
The Holy Ghost is such a powerful thing and it testifies of the truth. It is so true that we can not explain the feelings of the Holy Ghost but all we know is that it is so beautiful and we know it's true. I have a testimony of this Gospel and nothing can ever shake it.
Les amoooooo
-Hermana Wattles
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