This week was a good one! I am always wanting to get on the internet and just overload with all of the funny things that happened that week. Ya, just gotta live life to the fullest ya know? The most precious thing that happened this week is a new convert ... well of 8 months that we go to visit every once in a while. We went to visit her this week and she told us that her best friend was going to be marriend that week. ( she has been talking about this since I came to Jxxx) and that she wasn't going to go. Super shocked, we asked why and she told us that her health kept her from going and that her poor feet hurt way too bad to even walk to a taxi to take her. We were deeply saddened for her and only wanted her to go. We told her that we would gladly take her to the wedding and try our best to take her in comfort so that she could see her friend be married. As we said that, her I eyes just lit up! She got so happy! Satuday comes and we go to her house and Loida decides that she doesn't want to go. I was so sad. She was in so much pain and it kept her from being able to move much and she didn't think she could suffer it. So we went to the wedding and took a video of the whole thing! We came back to show her all of the videos and I don't think I have ever seen her happier! It was a tender experience.
This week we went to a less actives house and she asked us if we wanted soup. We hungrily accepted, of course, and she stared us down as we ate a bite. After our first bite, she tells us that the noodles inside are actually the insides/ pieces of a cow stomach. New plate. Never had that before. It'll take some getting used to... but I'm sure it'll be great.
Other picture I've attached... It's a little cold in Jxxxx (at night) but during the day it's hot so we always carry our jackets around. Once the cold hits, I get that jacket on so fast! Usually, it just goes on like that. ( big booty bag )

Also this week was a big ol party in plaza and there were people in a huge parade. We had to cross the street in front of everyone and they all started staring at us so I told my companion we should just keep walking and wave like princesses because they're all lookin at us anyway, ahahha it was fun. Okay! Last thing that I just have to say!!!! I have forgotten to say it for a good three weeks now. YOU DONT NEED REFRIGERATORS FOR JELLO. I love jello! So how cool? you just mix it all up and leave it out all night and tadaaaa! thats how cold it is, hahahaha.
Wow, what an adventure is this little mission. I feel so blessed to have the experiences that I have and to meet the people that I meet. I am so thankful to my Father in Heaven who has granted me with so many blessings. I only hope that I can serve to the best of my ability so that I can stand blameless before God and Christ. I love this work. It is the work of God. The work of salvation. I know that my Redeemer lives and loves us to. I testify of these things.
I love you all so much!
tengan una buena semana!
-Hermana Wattles
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