Where do I start.
This week so many things happened and I told my companion, "remind me to put that in my email". I always say that and then I forget. So, this week, we had probably the most interesting lesson that I have ever had IN MY LIFE. We have been working with a less active almost the whole time that I have been here and their kid who isn't a member. The kid seems really interested, so this week we brought a member their same age to come with us. Bad idea. As we start the lesson, no one can sit still and the spirit really isn't there. We start reading the pamphlet and every once in a while we ask a question to make sure that they understand. Basically, everything that we teach, the less active completely denies and tells her kids that it's not right. All of it really surprised me because I had never heard anyone say those kinds of things before. I won't share too many details but basically every thing we said, she turned around and told her kids that it was wrong and this is how it is. Basically, she has a very futuristic view on how the church works.
Okay so a couple of days ago, I wasn't feeling very well. My stomach hurt so bad and I couldn't control my burps, ahahha. I didn't know what was wrong with me so we ended up going to an investigators house and talking for a while. I told her how I felt and she so very quickly whipped me up some herbal tea and medicine and essential oils and gave me advice. It was so sweet. I never felt so specially treated here before and she did it all without even a second thought. I love her!

The picture... I decided to braid my hair without looking and that's what happened. It got caught on another hair that's keeping it up in the air, ahhaha.
-Hermana Wattles
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