This has been an amazing week!!! So many amazing things have happened and I am really sad because my photos are loading ridiculously slow... so I'll try my best!

This week we got J... ready for his interview and he's getting baptized this week!!! YES! I am so happy. This Gospel is perfect and changes lives and to see it change the life of another is something extraordinary. I love it so much. This week we got the opportunity to teach many less actives and it made me really happy because I've been wanting to find more and help them come back to church. We had a really special lesson with our pensions husband! I cried.. idk why... I was literally the only one crying, super awkward. BUT it was great none the less.
MAYBE THE BEST PART OF THE WEEK... Jeffrey R Holland came to Cusco! How special! He spoke to all of the missionaries. In the beginning, he shook all of our hands and looked us in the eyes as we told him our names and where we were from. It was amazing. He spoke about obedience. It put a lot of things into perspective for me and I think that it will really help me in the future. He is so powerful. Then he spoke to our stake, and only our stake in Cusco on Sunday. Something that I really liked that he said to the youth was that we need to put into practice the law of the tithe. Not with money but with our lives. We need to give 10% of our lives to God and if we do, the rest will all work out. It was amazing. He really explained how the future of the church is in the hands of the youth... woah. It was pretty amazing!
Side notes: Today we went to Muray and the salt mines in Urubamba, Cusco!! I'm trying to put pictures up! Last week, I ran into the Elder who is in charge of Machu Picchu and I told him that I only had one request in regards to Machu Picchu... that I could go with Hermana M...!!! So, I found out that this Monday we are going to Machu Picchu! I am so so so excited! ALSO, This week we asked a member to make us rings and he let us help him in his shop!!! It was super cool to make rings in Peru!!!
I love you all so much and I hope that I don't bore anyone with this super long email! Have an amazing week and remember that God loves ya! I do too!
viva Peru