This week was a good one! We were able to teach J... again! YAY. He's getting baptized next week and I am so excited! When we talk about the gospel and the lessons, he thinks so much and really understands what we are talking about. I know he knows and feels it.
I really love this area! It is so beautiful and I love the ward so much! We always have like five investigators in church! It makes me so happy when people really try and make the attempt to learn the truth and become closer to the Lord. I feel so blessed to be a missionary. I know that this church is true and I know that Heavenly Father loves us and is always hoping the best for us. I know that Christ is our Savior and that through him, we can be saved.
This week we had stake conference and it really made me appreciate the Gospel. So many members in one place and all so happy to hear the word of God. Isn't it wonderful?
I love you and I am so excited for this week!!!! Holland comes! How special?
-Hermana Wattles
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