This week our sister leaders came so we weren't together for a day. I was with Hermana B.... During the day, we were walking around and the office elders call me and say that we have to pick up an hermana. So we go to get her. She didn't eat all day so we're wandering around trying to find her food and we hardly got to work. The next day, she went to Lima and when she got back, she felt sick from the altitude change and had to sleep so we didn't work to much that day either. That's okay. Sometimes those things happen.
We had a lesson with a guy named ....... a couple of days ago. His cousins are all members of the church and he accepted to meet with us. At first he wasn't listening very well. He was on his phone, looking in every direction and even smacking himself with a measuring tape. After a while of talking to him, he started listening. My companion asked him what he thought about baptism. He told us that it would be a serious decision but that it would bring blessings. So then my companion asks him if he would be baptized. He thought for a little while and then he accepted. It was amazing. I love this work so much! I know that God loves all of his children. I know that he wants each and every one of us to make it back to him and I know that the Gospel is the way! I love it so much. The gospel has shaped me in so many ways and I feel so thankful that Heavenly Father has permitted me to come here and be one of his servants for a short time. I know that this is the truth.
-Hermana Wattles
Funny- so we go to one of the recent converts house and before we even get to the door, we notice her two boys sliding down a giant hill in cardboard boxes. It was so funny. A... (the youngest) is sitting on the smallest piece.. about the size of his own tush and he is scooting down the hill not making any progress while his older brother M..... is perfectly sliding. We took a video, it was so funny!
1st picture - Some ruins in our backyard
2nd picture - A...., the cutest little kid who feels the need to hug our legs every time we come over
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