QUILLABAMBA so beautiful |
This week was fantastic. I feel so blessed to be where I am and know the missionaries that I know and to teach the people I teach. All have such tender spirits and I am truly learning SO much. This week my Hermana M... left and is now at home, and now I have my new companion, Hermana R.... I feel so blessed to be with her and I know that I am going to learn so much.
This week we picked up all of the new missionaries and the whole routine. After all of the missionaries came, met their new companions and went home, it was Thursday and we got to work! We met lots of really cool people. One day we were walking down the street and Hermana R... contacted two women and we started talking and shared a message with them. One of the ladies was pregnant and at the end of it all, I asked her what she was going to name her baby and she had no idea. I told her I could give her American names and she was like, "YEAH" so I sat for like 15 minutes thinking of white baby boy names, ahaha, at the end of it all she chose Jordan. Her due date was yesterday so we'll see.
We also taught another lady in the street (well right outside of her house). We taught her about the reunions in the church and at the end, we taught her how to pray and she offered the closing prayer. In her prayer she asked God to help her come to church. She asked that when Sunday came that she wouldn't have any obstacles that kept her from coming. WOW, that was such a faith builder for me.
Last night, we taught Hermana R.... and the Elders came. We talked about faith. Hna R... nephew told us that he had never seen a miracle because of his faith and then we started talking about how when we truly show our faith, the Lord opens our eyes. I think that is so true. The more we exercise our faith, the more it grows and we are able to see the little tender mercies in our lives. I know that the Lord lives. I know that His love is real. I know that He has so much for us to learn, we just have to open the door and let Him teach us. I know that the Gospel is true and I love it with all of my heart.
I hope that you all have a fantastic week.
-Hermana Wattles
Me, my daughter (the missionary I trained), and her daughter (the missionary that she is going to train) 3 GENERATIONS. wow now I have 2 grand daughters. |
My new companion and I in the plaza our first night |
Hna A.... my favorite girl from payta!!! she's going to do great in Juliaca. I miss that place. |