So this week was a chill week. We taught, it rained, we taught, it rained. I'm super excited for our two super amazing investigators... Paola and Kasi. Paola is the cutest person I have EVER met in my life. She is basically already a member. She comes to all of the activities and always always always participates in the classes at church. SHE IS THE BEST!!! I am so excited for her and the 9th. Then we have Kasi, she only speaks Quechua and has the most faith in the world. So much faith that she wanted to get baptized in the freezing cold Lake Titicaca but the ward won't let her. She´d freeze to death that sweet woman.

It´s kinda hard to remember what happened the week before because all of the days blend into one. I feel like pday was yesterday. Oh yeah, this week we saw the most ginormous pig I have ever seen in my life! I took pictures but it doesn't do it justice. We also couldn't go to one of our appointments because there were hundreds of police blockading the hotel on the island. It was crazy. Spanish gradually gets better each and every day but you should all still pray for me.
I'm so thankful for this work. I love my Father in Heaven with all my heart. I love the people here so much and I wish that all of you could meet them! I hope you all have a fantastic week! Don't forget to pray

Oh and don't forget to share a smile with a friend. The best way to share the gospel is by example!
I love you all!
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