Today I hit three months exactly in the mission. Not a lot... but in a way a lot. It starts to scare me when I feel like Pday was yesterday and I was writing y'all like 24 hours ago... and it's only going to get faster. Everyday I grow to love Puno more and more. I love the people, I love the area, I love the missionaries, and everything else about here. Last night we sat down for some hot chocolate and bread for dinner and we were all laughing and joking around. It was the best. The lady who cooks our food is the grandma and she doesn't live with us so as she got up to go home, I stopped her and said, ´tengo una pregunta I have a question.... okay so in english, abuelita is grandma... can we call you grandma?´she just looked at us and gave us a huge hug and said ´yes my children´ in the thickest spanish accent. I love her!!!
-Hermana Wattles
On Saturday we had a baptism of a young girl and it was the best. Baptisms bring such joy to my soul. People are changing their lives forever and for good. They are accepting Christ and inviting him and his Father into their lives. We also had the pleasure of setting two baptism dates this week. This work simply brings joy to my soul. Every time we teach and invite others to come unto Christ, a peace fills my soul. I love this work and I am so thankful for the life, family, and work that I have been given by my loving Heavenly Father. The best way to share the gospel here is with the families. What a grand message that we can live with our families for eternity. I love my family so much and in a way you are all my family. I love you all so much and never forget your true identity. You are a child of God with a purpose and a plan. Never doubt yourself because the greatest being of all has never doubted you for a second. He loves you, I love you.
If any of you ever need ANYTHING, a spiritual quote, some advice, a silly picture, a prayer, service, anything email me. I just have and overflowing love for you all. We're all in this together and the Lord is on our side. I love you all so much.
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