This week was a great one. I have so many pictures and I just could not pick one to send so I might send a couple.. oops hahah sorry. This week my companions and I hiked up 600 stairs to a look out point and we looked like TOTAL tourists. It was the best. It is just awesome to look at people and tell them that we live here in Puno (in spanish) The looks get worse, hahha. We had lots of lessons this week and they were the absolute best. We taught many people and we are so excited for the baptism of Kasi next week! She is 73 and only speaks Quechua. Even though the communication is a little off, we have really grown to love her. She is one in a million. This weekend was conference and I just have to tell all of you brats that can watch it in english, WATCH IT IN ENGLISH!!! It is such a blessing to have a living day prophet like Moses and Noah. He talks to us and we have the amazing opportunity to hear him in his own voice. In the scriptures it says that everyone will be able to receive the gospel in their own tongue. How great is it that the missionaries throughout the world are helping to roll that truth forward. I love this place and I love my Heavely Father with all my heart. We are children of God which makes us rightful heirs to his kingdom. Therefore, Soy un princessa. You guys are too don't worry ;). I also wrote that I am a princess too because I kissed a frog this week so I am really hoping that I turn into a princess... :)
Guys, this is the true church. I know it with all of my heart, might, mind, and strength. I don't know very many things but I do trust my Heavenly Father and his Holy Spirit. This work is inspired and I am here for a reason. Not just for kicks and giggles. The Lord is changing peoples lives through the missionaries. It is such an amazing beautiful thing to be apart of this work. Heavenly Father Loves you! He loves your family! He loves your friends! He is always watching out for us and he will ALWAYS answer our prayers. I will always pray for all of you. I know that the spirit has touched all of our lives. Never forget that spirit and treasure it up with all of your heart. He loves you.
I love you. Have an amazing week and don't ever forget our Savior and that He Lives.
-Hermana Wattles
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