Good week.
This week we had lots of lessons and that made me REALLY happy. We made this board to keep that progress and track the amount of times that we visit the key people that we have (there´s a lot) and MAN we have lots of checks this week....yeeee. I'm getting really bad at emailing and I apologize. I get on on mondays and I completely forget what happened that week. I think really hard... it hurts my brain. More than anything, we had a really great lesson yesterday with the same family that we had last week, hee. We hadn't planned on visiting them and we didn't even have an appointment but we decided to go anyways. We walk in and start talking. We decided to teach lesson one but as we started the lesson I felt so strongly impressed to teach the Book of Mormon. We watched a video about a Bishop explaining the Book of Mormon and after we talked about how important it was. At the end, we invited them to be baptized when they come to know that it is all true and they told us that they really wanted to but their Sunday job doesn't permit them to do it. Before we could start talking again, the mom looks at us and goes, ´If this is really the right thing for us, I know that the Lord will prepare a way. I don't know how but I know he will´. WOW the faith of that woman blew me away. Then she starts talking about how her son is so happy that we are teaching her and she wants to make him proud, so we told her to write her son and tell him that we invited her to be baptized and see what he says. We were all crying and the spirit was felt so strong. I know that they felt it.
I feel so blessed to teach people and help them really see how the Gospel can bless their lives. I know that it can. I love the Gospel. I love the Lord and I know that this church is true.
-Hermana Wattles
Funny moments
-This week we went to our mission leaders house and the elders had a key so we just walked in. While we waited for him, we watched Momon messages on Elder Vances usb but as he was looking for them, we saw a bunch of Justin Bieber christmas albums (we can have christmas music wee) and his companion from Lima, Elder Bustamante (and also from my group) goes, "AHHHH justin bieber" and threw his arms into the air. It was so so funny!
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