I think my favorite thing that happened this week was yesterday. We went by an investigators house and she told us she didn't have time but that she had been reading the Book of Mormon constantly and she thought it was so beautiful. AND OH BOY is it hard to get people to read the Book of Mormon here. It make me so happy!
As we were walking away from their house, two giant dogs just started jumping on me. My companion goes, "Have you ever seen a dog jump off a dock into a river?... Yeah, it looked like they were doing that to you..." So there's that.
Also, we had a lesson with an investigator and it so happened that 4 kids under the age of 8 were there too... We talked about prayer and somehow got onto the topic of dying and the little boy of about 4 years of ages goes, "Guys, only Catholics die" oh my gosh it was so funny. As we left the house, the mom took us to the chapel in her car and we passed a bunch of workers making tar so I asked her how to say tar in Spanish. She tells me the word and goes, "next time you see a bunch of black people you have to say, "look at all that tar'" oh my goodness.. I was so shocked that she said that but people don't have filters here.. at all ahahhahahahhha. Good times.
I love this mission so much. It is filled with good times, bad times, funny times, weird times and I am always always learning. I wouldn't give these experiences up for the world.
I love you all to death!
-Hermana Wattles
1. My year mark picture eating my favorite food... a plate of french fries with lots of ketchup and mayonaise :) they always give us weird looks when that is the only thing we want to order, haha.
2. My favorite Nelly! I saw her in Puno last week and I about cried!
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