This week we were able to teach a new investigator who seemed super interested. I think I mentioned him in the last email. When I asked if there was any other person that we could go visit to share the Gospel he goes, "me"! Well... this Sunday, HE CAME TO CHURCH. I think when people come to church, it brings the missionaries the most joy. He came, he listened, he dressed up, he took notes. WOW. I was super amazed. Then, we find out that he moved and now does not live in our area... so we can't teach him anymore. sad face. That's okay though because I know that everything happens for a reason and that if we weren't meant to teach him, other missionaries were. I'm super excited for him to know the Gospel and let it change his life.
We had another really great lesson. side note: When people keep with their commitments, (read a pamphlet, the Book of Mormon, pray, come to church) it makes me happy.. really happy. So we had a lesson with a woman and it was just so smooth. The spirit was present and I think we all knew. She listened to us and accepted what we had to say. She told us that she had no problem with reading and praying and the desire that she had to learn blew me away.I feel so blessed to be here. To teach. To learn and grow. I love the Lord.
Also, this week we had a particularly frustrating lesson... well it was kind of funny.
We went to teach a less active family about the ten commandments. As we are explaining no adultery, the wife acts like she doesn't understand and the husband goes on a rant about his million wives and how his wife now is not the first. He went on and on and was laughing too! man. Then he talked about one time how he left his wife and who knows what happened after that... I got lost. Then the daughter goes, "yeah... his granddaughter is older than me.." it was weird. BUT that all happened before they were members! SO LOOK, the Gospel does bless people and families!
haha love yall!
Hermana Wattles
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